lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog

Thursday, April 21, 2016

empties - #1

Since my obsession with beauty products was sparked about a year ago, I've gone crazy with buying things. Now I've got quite the stockpile and I'm trying to use them up! I've fallen in love with empties posts, so I thought as I used my own products up I'd document them.

I do want to say that I'm still using a lot of products from when I couponed, so many of these in the beginning may not be cruelty free or vegan. I wasn't buying exclusively cruelty free and vegan then, but I don't want to waste items I spent money on. They'll be noted that I won't purchase them again! As always, I'm human and may have missed an ingredient or misread a label, so always do your own research to determine if something is cruelty free or vegan. ♥

empties lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

e.l.f. Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths // cruelty free & vegan // I use makeup remover wipes to get the bulk of the product off my face before I use my Clarisonic. These wipes were very wet - I know that sounds stupid - and I always felt like I needed to wash my hands afterward. Sometimes the wipe would be so saturated that the liquid would squeeze out into my eye. It didn't burn, but was irritating that it happened. They removed eye makeup pretty well and even with the great price point of $3, I won't be getting these again.

Up & Up Wet Cleansing Towelettes // I picked these up on clearance, as the sticker says. These are paraben free, but the Up & Up brand isn't cruelty free. I won't be purchasing these again.

Fantasy Makers by Wet N Wild Lipstick in Deep Purple // cruelty free // I was Beetlejuice for Halloween and I had picked this lipstick up at Target in the hopes that it was a darker purple. It didn't cover well and didn't work for what I wanted. I've no use for it, so I'm tossing it.

Living Proof No Frizz Conditioner // cruelty free & vegan //A friend gave me a few sample sizes of Living Proof items a while back and I'm just going through them. This conditioner worked really well to keep frizz down. I would purchase this again.

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Nail Polish in Slick Slate // cruelty free // This is one of my absolute favorite nail polish colors, but it got gloopy and it's time for it to go. According to their website, Sally Hansen doesn't test on animals, which may be a new development as I thought they did. Upon further research, I would purchase this again.

Crest 3D White Toothpaste in Radiant Mint // Little travel toothpaste I picked up when I taking a trip out to my mom's. I didn't notice any difference in the color of my teeth. I've since switched to natural toothpaste, so I won't be repurchasing.

Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in Hard to Get // cruelty free // This was a cheap coupon purchase forever ago. I don't think I ever even used it, but it's gotten gloopy.

Palmer's Deep Conditioning Protein Pack // cruelty free // I really thought I'd hit the jackpot with this one, then I realized I'd missed not only a milk ingredient, but a silk ingredient as well. Sigh. I noticed it IN THE SHOWER with the product ON MY HAIR, so I couldn't return it. It worked, but I won't repurchase.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray // cruelty free & vegan // The first time I used this spray it worked phenomenally - then I couldn't replicate that again and I felt like it didn't work. That was most likely my fault since I suck at styling hair, but I'd give this another shot after I finish up the sea salt spray I'm currently using.

Rimmel 60 Seconds Nail Polish in Out of the Blue & Captain Khaki // More nail polish that I got cheap with a coupon. More colors I don't think I ever used. They've gotten gloopy. I won't be repurchasing.

Clear Glittery Lip Gloss // I've no clue how long I've had this or where it came from. I think it was a stocking stuffer. I'm not huge into glosses and I've had this so long that it has to go.

empties lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

e.l.f. Tone Adjusting Face Primer - Neutralizing Green // cruelty free & vegan // I didn't really see how it adjusted the redness on my face and you get a surprisingly tiny amount for $6. That's what I get for not paying attention to the ounces. The packaging is a bit deceiving - the reservoir for the product is only about half the size of the bottle. It did a decent job of keeping my makeup in place as I have oily skin. I'd repurchase this as a backup or to keep in a travel bag.

empties lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Covergirl Professional Loose Powder in Translucent Fair // I don't even know where I got this. I think it was a hand-me-down from a friend or my mom, but who knows? It's a loose powder with a pouf and BOY does it get EVERYWHERE. It wasn't a great color match and I think I lost more as it floated around my bathroom than I put on my face. I've no interest in ever owning another loose powder.

empties lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

e.l.f. 3-in-1 Mascara // cruelty free & vegan // This was a decent mascara. It didn't deliver massive volume, but it worked pretty well. My issue was with the brush. The word 'mace' popped in my head every time I went to use it. I liked layering it under other mascaras for a bit of boost and I might repurchase this in a pinch.

empties lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

e.l.f. Lengthening & Defining Mascara // cruelty free & vegan // For $1, it's not bad, but you get what you pay for. It really just made my eyelashes look like I had a smidge of mascara on. It worked great as a base coat. However, it got clumpy really quickly. You can see in the photo above how much product was left and how gunky the brush got. I don't think I'd pick this back up unless I was really needing mascara.

I hope to use up a lot of my stash in the next coming months. I've got so many new products just hanging out that I really want to use, but I've made myself continue to use up opened things before starting on those. Sometimes it's agony that I have to keep using something, but it's so satisfying when they're gone!

What have you used up lately?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

8 easy ways to be more health conscious

I am in no way a health expert or physician - always consult with your primary care doctor before making any lifestyle or diet changes.

Keeping your health in mind can be hard. Really hard, depending on your lifestyle. Here are eight tips for easy ways to be more health conscious.

8 easy ways to be more health conscious lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

1. Always ask for water. // Not only are sodas expensive, they're bad for you! If you're out at a restaurant, always ask for water. Jazz it up with a lemon or lime wedge. If you're traveling, bring a Nalgene bottle and refill it at the water fountain (always ask before filling a personal bottle through the soda fountain's water option). If you must, purchase a large bottle of water to keep you hydrated.

2. Avoid added sugars. // The average human body needs zero sugar intake in a day. Your body produces all the sugar it needs. However, almost any food you buy has added sugars. By simply looking for products that state "no added sugar" or "no sugar added", you can cut down on a lot. You'll still get natural sugars (such as in fruit, starches), but a lot of times with natural sugars, you get other benefits that outweigh the sugar.

3. Take snacks with you. // As a trucker's daughter, I grew up on the road. I can eat an entire meal of gas station food. I've learned, though, that not every gas station offers healthier options. The fix? Take your own snacks! You know what you're eating when you have a snack stash in the car. If you raided my car at any moment, you can find Nature's Bakery fig bars, pretzels, and healthy snacks. If you keep a box of something in your car (obviously depending on the weather), you'll always have something for when that 2pm candy bar craving hits!

4. Take the stairs. // I hate stairs. They are the bane of my existence. But I take them whenever possible, because though I feel like I'm going to die when I get to the top, I've given my heart a little mini workout. By walking just a few extra steps a day, your body is better for it. Now obviously I'm not going to take stairs to the fifteenth floor, but the three flights I walk at school helps. Park a couple parking spaces farther at the store, walk three blocks instead of taking a car, or walk down the strip mall instead of moving your vehicle.

5. If you can't pronounce it, don't put it on your skin. // What you put on your skin (including shampoo!), is absorbed into your skin (sometimes up to 60+%!) Be very careful with ingredients. Here's an article from the Huffingpost that has some great guidelines on products. If you're really interested in eliminating harmful chemicals, do lots of research!

6. If you're not a gymrat, try classes of something or download a video. // I have no motivation to workout, nor do I want my inexperience with working out to be broadcasted at a gym while I'm struggling on a machine or clomping on a treadmill. So I take classes. I practice yoga for both the health benefits and the spiritual benefits, and this can be done in the comfort of your own home with online guided classes, Youtube videos, or a DVD. If you have an appointment to keep (and potentially money) tied up in something, you're more likely to do it. Exercising is important, but time constraints and motivation sometimes get in the way, but doing little things is better than being a couch potato all the time. Even a class once a week will keep your mind on being healthy.

7. Talk health with a friend occasionally. // You know how reading a health article, making a New Year's resolution, or eating a really yummy salad put you in the "healthy" mood? Sometimes just talking about being healthy can do the same thing. My mom and I talk about nutrition a lot (she's a nurse and nutrition is a passion of mine), and every time we do it spurs me to buy more vegetables or more nonGMO items. Even if this only changes one or two meals or workouts a week, that's more than last week!

8. Partake in Meatless Monday. // My personal views aside, meat can cause health issues. But here's the thing, you don't have to give up all of your diet choices. Just participate in Meatless Monday! Not only are you helping your body, you're helping animals and the environment. Small steps!

You don't have to drop everything and revamp your lifestyle to be healthier. It's all about slowly making changes that you'll stick with. And don't get me wrong - I love junk food and being a couch potato as much as the next person, but being healthier can prevent costly problems down the road!

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

iHerb mini haul

iherb mini haul vegan lucky bandit blog

I recently discovered iHerb and I was amazed at the massive selection! There's tons of natural, organic, cruelty free, and/or vegan items! I didn't start shopping with anything specific in mind, so I didn't order a ton of stuff. However, I did order some things I'd never heard of or had been on my list of "things to get eventually".

Source Naturals Vegan True Melatonin // I've had trouble sleeping for what seems like forever. I'm tired of taking sleep aids (which are basically Benadryl), so I'm going to give melatonin a try.

Merry Hempsters Vegan Spearmint Lip Balm // Since I announced that I've been having trouble finding vegan lip balm (I swear there isn't any in any stores near me), I've kind of gone on a lip balm buying rampage. So far, though, I really like this! It's minty but not overly so, and it soaks in well and stays put.

TheraNeem Naturals Lotion // I need more lotion like I need a hole in the head, but at $1.20 for the bottle, I couldn't help but give it a try.

If you've never tried iHerb, if you use the code TNZ430 at checkout, you'll get $5 off and I'll get $5! It's a win-win.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

life lately

Things have been a little hectic around here. A lot has gone on in the last month, but since I went up to NOVA, it's been a lot of me just living life and getting things straight. But! There's been some exciting things going on, too, although some I'm not quite ready to release here on the blog. However, here are some interesting things that have happened lately in pictures.

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

I met a snake! Darcy is a Western Hognose. It's the first time I'd ever held a snake and I'm pretty much in love. Look at his little snout! He has the prettiest dark coloring on his belly and he's so sweet.

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

I'm still obsessed with caffeine, much to the disdain of my kidneys. And since having falafel at Cava Grill, I can't get enough of the stuff. Apparently I talk about the stuff so much that the man I'm seeing snuck money in my purse specifically for me to buy it for lunch Friday. Over the moon!

And I got a new car! I haven't posted any photos on social media due to security reasons (that whole thing is a shit show, believe me) but it's so nice and all the gauges and winshield wipers work and I'm forever grateful for my mother and stepfather helping me with that. They are saints and scholars and I love them.

There's only a little more than a month left of this school semester and I cannot wait until summer. By the end of the spring semester I am so burnt out on school that I can't stand it. Luckily, I have a really great accounting instructor.

And really, that's about all I'll talk about for now. Some things need to progress a bit more before I'll discuss them. Ugh, vague blog crap, sorry.

What have you been up to lately? Leave me some links in the comments to check out!

Monday, March 14, 2016

my first lush haul

my first lush haul lucky bandit blog

Last week I had a girls' day out with Jess and went to Lush for the first time ever! I'd been eyeing a few things on the website and picked them up while I was there. Not gonna lie - I was pretty overwhelmed by the selection and could've picked up so many things. It's so nice to walk into an entire cruelty free store with so many vegan options! Here's what I brought home:

Tea Tree Water // I've seen several reviews of this on blogs and I'm hoping this will help with my oily skin!

Superbalm Scalp Treament // This was on my beauty wishlist and I can't wait to try this out.

Sex Bomb Bath Bomb // I'm not a big bath person, I prefer to shower, but I figured I should pick up a bath bomb on my first visit, and Jess said this one was really good.

I'm definitely adding to my Lush "want" list, so hopefully these work out and I can add more to my stash!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

cruelty free & vegan beauty wishlist

CF & vegan wishlist

I want to start off this post by saying I'm still going through a lot of non-cruelty free and vegan beauty and personal care products. I used to coupon regularly a few years ago before I bought cruelty free and vegan products, so I have quite the stash. I wouldn't purchase them again, but I'm not going to waste them, either.

With that said, I'm still building up my cruelty free and vegan products. I find a lot at Marshall's and Ross, but there's some I can only find at Ulta, at stores a bit too far away to drop in regularly, and online. Here are some that I've been lusting after - and will hopefully be able to make room for in my stash soon!

Andalou Naturals Aloe & Willow Bark Pore Minimizer // I desperately need a pore minimizer. I've tried Andalou Naturals deep conditioner on my hair and I love it, so I thought I'd try more of their products. try

Pacifica Stellar Gaze Length & Strength Mineral Mascara in Supernova // I reaaaally want to try new types of vegan mascara. Pacifica's is infused with coconut oil, so it's worth a shot. try

Hurraw Coffee Bean Lip Balm // This is described as a coffee-choco flavor. That alone sold me. My local Wegman's carries Hurraw balms, but I have yet to get over there to pick some up. I've been having a hard time finding vegan lip balms, so I might place an order for some. try

Trust Fund Beauty Nail Polish in Beach Vibes // I've really been loving the greige trend and this nail polish doesn't disappoint. It's a big pricey, but I've heard good things about Trust Fund. try

Lunatick Cosmetic Labs Supernatural Palette // It's in the shape of a coffin. And it has a bat. Not only does that have me in love, but the colors are pretty and goes right along with my go-to colors. try

Lush Superbalm Scalp Treatment // I've always had a super itchy, dry scalp. Gross, I know. I've tried almost everything. Coconut oil helps, but I'd like to try more targeted treatments, and this one tops the list. try

This is just the beginning of my wishlist, but I didn't think having seventy items would be fun to read. Do you have any products you'd like to try?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

blogger friends & nova trips

Yesterday I made a trip up to NOVA and visited my friend, Jess! We had a whole girls' day out planned and it was just the thing I needed after the week I'd been having. First, we started off with lunch at Cava Grill, which was delicious. I had a rice bowl with falafel, traditional hummus, harissa hummus (which was super spicy, but good!), and the dill yogurt dressing (the dressing wasn't vegan, oops). I'm so glad Jess had this on the list for the day. When I got home I wanted more falafel. I'm going to be raving about this place until I go at least fifteen more times.

cava grill nova falafel lucky bandit blog

Next we headed off to Tysons Corner. I'd never been before and I was super excited. GUYS, we don't have these kinds of stores down where I'm from. The first place we stopped was Lush, as I'd never been there either (I know, ugh). I had no idea they had so many products! I could easily have come out of there with a ton of stuff, but I managed to limit myself to a few items.

my first lush trip lucky bandit blog

As we were heading to Lululemon, we spotted macarons! I got honey lavender and Jess got raspberry. They were so good!

olivia macarons tysons corner lucky bandit blog

Then there was Lolli & Pops! I love checking out candy stores wherever I go to see what others have to offer. This one didn't disappoint! We took a little tour and I only got one picture there - our feet. Haha! They had a massive selection of candies in bulk bins - we definitely tried some samples.

lolli & pops tile picture lucky bandit blog

Afterward we stopped off and did some thrifting! I found some pretty great stuff (and some of it will be up in the shop once I have it photographed). It was pretty awesome having a thrifting buddy - I had someone to laugh about hideous items with! Jess took me by the used bookstore, too, and I found a couple Stephen King's I haven't read, yet. And everyone knows how much I love secondhand bookstores...

Then after a Wegman's stop for vegan Ben & Jerry's, we hung out for a bit so I'd avoid traffic. I had a fab day and can't wait til we make a trip to Richmond! It was pretty awesome to have someone to talk to that knew about blog terms and websites. And we even managed to take a selfie...the only one all day, but hey, time flies!

lucky bandit blog

Have you had any interesting trips lately? Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, February 04, 2016


quiet thoughts lucky bandit blog blanket

A lot's been going on and sometimes my brain can't keep up. I've gone through a split up several weeks ago, moved on, and I've started some great things since. Big shout out to my girl Jess for being such an awesome friend through all that!

I haven't had much motivation to write much of anything, and when I did I was snowed in away from my laptop. The area had a nice little blizzard come through last week and buried us in almost three feet of snow.

However, I've had some thoughts going on that didn't completely warrant an entire post for each, so I figured I'd get them out here.
  • I've been listening to the British Invasion station on Pandora almost non-stop lately. It's such a great mix of upbeat and sorrowful songs. I've really fallen in love (again) with The Hollies and The Zombies. I guess the 60s are my music era? Haha.
  • Being appreciated is a wonderful thing - and it's even better when you realize that's what you've been missing.
  • Netflix has removed Doctor Who, and I'm so upset. I kept Doctor Who on loop all the time. I'd listen to it as background noise when I was getting ready, blogging, and more. Ugh. BBC, are the rumors true? Are you creating a streaming site? Yes, please.
  • I've found that cooking dinner causes me a great amount of stress. Food in general causes me a great amount of stress, simply because I've grown so picky about what I eat. How does one stop being a picky eater? Help meeeee
I think I just need more yoga in my life. Warrior pose for daaaaays.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

life lately - holidays and movies

Happy holidays! I was super busy over Christmas, so I didn't have much time to blog. I hope everyone had a great holiday. I had a wonderful day! Lots of family, gift giving and receiving, and food.

We went to our first Christmas Day movie the evening of the 25th. We saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens! I'm going to be honest, I was just going to wait until the end of it's theatre showing to see it. I assumed it was going to be packed, but we lucked out with an 9:20pm showing and the theatre had plenty of room.

star wars movie poster lucky bandit blog

star wars movie tickets lucky bandit blog

And no spoilers here! It was a great movie. If you're even remotely a Star Wars fan, go see it.

I'm not one of those people who takes numerous dramatic pictures of what they got for Christmas, but look at this sweatshirt my dad got me!!!!

i'm here to pet all the dogs animalhearted sweatshirt lucky bandit blog

I love it! You can pick one up at Animal Hearted. (Sign up for their email list and get free shipping!)

The holiday isn't quite over yet for me, as on the 31st I'm heading out to Tennessee with my brother to have our Christmas with Mumma. So excited!

Any exciting end-of-season plans?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

a day downtown

foot pic fringe booties wood floor lucky bandit blog

I guess technically I spend every day downtown as I work there, but today was my day off so I got to peruse some of the shops. I don't normally get to do that since the shop's hours normally coincide with almost every else's, so it was a nice little treat!

Initially, I was heading down to drop off some clothing at the Re Run Shoppe, and afterwards I decided to get a little Christmas shopping in. So I visited Ladyburg (which just recently moved across the street!) and Irish Eyes, along with a couple antique shops, and my favorite, Riverby Books.

riverby books fredericksburg lucky bandit blog

riverby books fredericksburg lucky bandit blog

There's three floors of used books. My favorite.

I picked up a couple books there that caught my eye; The Princessa: Machiavelli for Women by Harriet Rubin, and The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett.

This photo also includes My Dog Skip by Willie Morris that I picked up at Manarc (along with a lovely teapot for my grandmother for Christmas). I haven't seen the movie, either. Yeah, I'm way behind. And definitely go check out Manarc if you're a local - proceeds go to local veterans!

books i bought lucky bandit blog

I stopped by Whittingham to look at their window (again) because it's so well done. The mice are so cute. They're worshiping the cheese!

whittingham fredericksburg va lucky bandit blog

And how great is this unicorn mount?!?! It's just subtle enough for a gallery wall, I think.

whittingham fredericksburg va lucky bandit blog

I ended the day by picking up some Earth Balance mac and cheese at Kickshaw's since I can't seem to find it anywhere (and didn't know they carried it!), and then I headed back home before my math final (which I passed!). I'm glad I had some time to get out downtown, but now I'm ready for bed. How do you spend your day off?

Sunday, December 06, 2015

vegan tacos & leftover taco bowls

vegan tacos leftover taco bowls lucky bandit blog

A few nights ago I made cabinet tacos. Super easy. Grab stuff from your cabinet, prepare it  and then my favorite part: MAKE TACOS AND STUFF YOUR FACE! I pick up most of my taco supplies when I have Cartwheel deals and coupons. It's a quick and cheap dinner that's almost always on hand if you pick up things when you pass them.

Gardein Beefless Ground cooked in a pan with chili & garlic powder (25% off deal on Cartwheel!)
refried beans (25% off deal on Cartwheel!)
multi-grain tortillas
Tofutti sour cream (leftover from making party dip!)
cherry tomatoes
Badia chipotle sauce

The best part? Leftovers! I'm a huge fan of leftovers. Sometimes I prefer them. Well, with tacos, the leftovers are so easy to take to work the next day: taco bowls!

Omit the tortilla, throw your leftover ingredients in a bowl, top it with sauce, and TA DA! Lunch.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

books - what i'm reading and what i have planned to read

book book list lucky bandit blog

My reading has come all but to a standstill. I've been crazy busy at the store, so I'm usually exhausted and just want to social media surf when I get home. Half the time I don't even bother pulling my laptop out!

However, I've gotten a little bit of reading done. I don't think I'll meet my Reading Challenge on Goodreads (that I changed from 50 to 30 books a few months ago. Sigh.), but reading a smidge is better than not reading.

I just finished The Secret of Platform 13 by Eva Ibbotson and it was fantastic. My friend, Jessica, gave me a copy. I'm a huge fan of easy YA reads; they're pleasant and you don't have to wrack your brain to understand a twist. Eva Ibbotson can spin some great fantasy stories. Island of the Aunts is another of her works that I love.

Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher is an ebook I caught on special for free a few weeks ago - I'm about halfway through. It's written well, but doesn't quite hold my interest enough to be un-put-downable. It's not that it's slow, I just really want to know what's going on.'s a little slow.

I started The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells one night ages ago when I couldn't sleep, I started it and I have yet to go back to it. Not for lack of interest, I just have to be in the mood for certain books. Is anyone else like that?

Normally I don't like to take on more than a couple books at once, but I'm super excited to start a couple more - a thrifted copy of The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling), Witch & Wizard by James Patterson - I read a sample on my Nook and finally managed to thrift a copy, and Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig, that I picked up used at Riverby downtown.

In other book news, did you know that enhanced editions of Harry Potter are now on iBooks?! How awesome! Here's the press info on it from October.

I'm always open for book recs, so feel free to send some over! (And add me as a friend on Goodreads!)

            Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion

Friday, October 09, 2015

i'm so crafty i make kidney stones

So Wednesday I was awoken at the ungodly hour of 7:45 am with a terrible pain in my side. I wish that was code for "the dog was kicking me" or something. I thought I had to pee, but little did I know, my body was deciding to pass it's creation into the real world: a kidney stone.

i'm so crafty i make kidney stones lucky bandit blog

I immediately text my registered nurse mother who's in Tennessee, who told me to go to the doctor. I thought GREAT, my first kidney infection, this is wonderful. At that point in time, I thought I'd just go to the urgent care, get an antibiotic and a painkiller, and go home and sleep it off. OH NO. By the time I got ready to go, I could barely walk. I hobbled to the car and knew I needed the ER.

We get there and for what felt like hours (and in reality probably only ten minutes), I awaited an IV for morphine. Which worked for about .5 seconds. I'm basically screaming and flailing around on the bed, so he goes to get the nurse (or maybe he was looking for a window to jump out of, I don't know) and they finally get me some pain management that works. After that dose, I'm high as a kite and sleepy. My mother said they gave me a moderate dose, but I hardly ever take medicine and it hit me hard. They send me for a CT scan, I'm extremely thirsty, my dad and his girlfriend get there, it comes back I've got a kidney stone that's already passed, I'm allowed ginger ale, I'm given orders for no caffeine (noooooooo), and I'm sent on my way with prescriptions.

Totally typical day off. *insert side eye emoji* But I lived, I'm totally fine now, and I now know what a kidney stone feels like. Huge thanks to my mom for the medical advice, Jayy for taking me to the ER and making me as comfortable as possible, my dad and his girlfriend for coming up to make sure I was okay, and to the people who created painkillers. Oh, and ps, I peed out the kidney stone in the bathroom at Ruby Tuesday. I really wanted a salad and mashed potatoes. The stone was about half the size of a fat grain of rice.

Monday, July 13, 2015

book list: to read

I have quite the extensive book collection. No, it's not filled with priceless antique books, however, I am continually adding to this collection (usually at a rate far faster than my reading rate). I pick up most of my books from thrift stores or my favorite local seller. While in town today, I stopped by the bazaar to check out said favorite local seller's latest wares, and found a couple little gems.

books to read katelyn carter

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough // This book has been on my Goodreads shelf for a while, and I held out long enough to find it secondhand. It isn't my normal genre of books I tend to read, but I've heard good things.

Different Seasons by Stephen King // It's becoming increasingly hard to find pieces of King's work that I haven't read or own with the intent to read, but this is one of them.

Living with the Kennedys: The Joan Kennedy Story by Marcia Chellis // I'm probably the least political person (though I do identify as Libertarian), but I am a complete sucker for political books. I've got about seven lined up, but couldn't pass this one up.

Let's be friends on Goodreads!

Thursday, April 09, 2015

currently - 4/9

currently katelyn carter blog feature

|| reading
Well, I'm in the middle of a couple books right now. I'm about to add The Dead Zone to that list, too.

|| drinking
Water - from mason jars. I've gotten on a kick about always having a lid on what I'm drinking because I spill things so easily - these things work wonders.

|| watching
Harry Potter and Doctor Who...I keep them on loop. Not even kidding.

|| eating
Not much lately - I've been trying to get my calorie count up with protein shakes. Stress and anxiety is killing me.

|| listening to
Guys, I bought a Taylor Swift cd. I know. I never thought I'd buy one, ever, but Style is my jam.

|| looking forward to
The weekend! I'm taking my NRA handgun class on Saturday for my concealed weapon permit.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

the bath outlet - the glady line [a review]

I received an item from The Bath Outlet from the Glady Line in exchange for this review. All opinions are honest.

review katelyn carter the bath outlet the glady line

We've had this dilemma in our master bathroom.

What do we do with the toothpaste??

I really don't like having it hanging out on the bathroom counter and I didn't want to stow it in a drawer but it wouldn't fit in the little rescued glass container that we had our toothbrushes in. I'm one of those everything-in-its-place types.

In steps The Bath Outlet. They sent over one of their Glady line toothbrush holders. My problems are solved. We now have a toothbrush holder that fits everything we use to brush our teeth AND it matches our bathroom decor.

katelyn carter

See how nicely it blends with our out-there shower curtain? I may have to pick up a couple more pieces! The Glady line has tons of great products available in several different finishes, so there's something for everyone.

the bath outlet the glady line katelyn carter review

Definitely check out The Bath Outlet and their Glady line. If you've been looking for durable, modern bath accessories, they're for you!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

a day in the life

katelyn carter dogs the fault in our stars

Today was one of those perfect, relaxing days. I slept in, we had breakfast. I made some new items for the shop and while those were drying I started a new book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I know, I know, I'm about ten years late on that one.

I didn't worry about the dog hair on the bed, the toy fluff ripped playfully from the toys that littered the floor, nor did I worry that I really needed to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer. I just sat in bed and read and didn't worry about a damn thing. The boys took naps around my feet and we listened to the wind beat on the house. It only took me five hours to finish the book, so now I've got Harry Potter in the DVD player and I'm writing up some blog posts for this week. While I've been so lazy today, I feel really productive.

Some days that's all you need.

Monday, February 09, 2015

guest post: mia @ the chronicles of chaos - how to unwind

Today I'm happily welcoming fellow Virginia blogger Mia from The Chronicles of Chaos to the blog! She has a fantastic guest post on unwinding for everyone. Take it away, Mia!


Hi everyone! I'm Mia from The Chronicles of Chaos. I'm a self-proclaimed nerd extraordinaire and blog about books, writing, and life in general. Katelyn was kind enough to let me invade her blog today, so thank you, Katelyn! :)

I want to talk to you today about unwinding. Goodness, these days it seems like we're always moving at the speed of light, doesn't it? The hustle and bustle of every day with work, significant others, pets, blogs, trying to eat clean and work out - I'm exhausted just thinking about it all! With our busy lives, sometimes we lose sight of how important it is to slow down and take care of ourselves and recharge. Without further ado, here are 5 Ways to Unwind.

Read a book.
OK, so I already told you I was a book nerd, so this shouldn't come as a big surprise. Sitting down to read a book, even if it's during your lunch break or before you go to bed, can help you relax. So pick up that book that's been on your shelf for months and dig in. If you need any recommendations, I bet I could help you out!

Take a bath.
I don't know about you, but there's nothing more relaxing than a nice soak in a warm bubble bath. Or maybe you're more a bath oil or bath bomb person - whatever floats your boat. Maybe light some scented candles. Drink a glass of wine, even. And just sit and let your aches and pains and stresses melt away.

Listen to music.
One of my favorite ways to unwind is to listen to some mellow, laidback music and relax. I like to lie in bed and close my eyes and sing along. Something about comforting music just makes me feel right at home.

Enjoy nature. 
Go to the park and find a bench and just take in some fresh air. Look at the birds and squirrels. People watch. Or take a leisurely walk around your neighborhood. Even just sitting outside in your backyard can be relaxing.

Take a nap.
I realize this sounds overly simplistic, but really - sometimes the best way to unwind is to take a nap. A power nap, a long nap, whatever. Your body needs to recharge every once in a while. And when you wake up, you'll feel so much better!

Anyway, I hope you utilize one of these methods of relaxation and feel refreshed! If you have some tips to share, leave a comment below! And thanks again to Katelyn for letting me "borrow" her blog for a bit. :) Feel free to come visit me anytime! Ciao!


The Chronicles of Chaos
