I have quite the extensive book collection. No, it's not filled with priceless antique books, however, I am continually adding to this collection (usually at a rate far faster than my reading rate). I pick up most of my books
from thrift stores or my favorite local seller. While in town today, I stopped by the bazaar to check out said favorite local seller's latest wares, and found a couple little gems.
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
// This book has been on my
Goodreads shelf for a while, and I held out long enough to find it secondhand. It isn't my normal genre of books I tend to read, but I've heard good things.
Different Seasons by Stephen King
// It's becoming increasingly hard to find pieces of King's work that I haven't read or own with the intent to read, but this is one of them.
Living with the Kennedys: The Joan Kennedy Story by Marcia Chellis
// I'm probably the least political person (though I do identify as Libertarian), but I am a complete sucker for political books. I've got about seven lined up, but couldn't pass this one up.
Yessss, Stephen King! Love it. I get most of my books from thrift stores, too. No sense in spending a lot if you don't have to! :)