lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog

Monday, July 13, 2015

book list: to read

I have quite the extensive book collection. No, it's not filled with priceless antique books, however, I am continually adding to this collection (usually at a rate far faster than my reading rate). I pick up most of my books from thrift stores or my favorite local seller. While in town today, I stopped by the bazaar to check out said favorite local seller's latest wares, and found a couple little gems.

books to read katelyn carter

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough // This book has been on my Goodreads shelf for a while, and I held out long enough to find it secondhand. It isn't my normal genre of books I tend to read, but I've heard good things.

Different Seasons by Stephen King // It's becoming increasingly hard to find pieces of King's work that I haven't read or own with the intent to read, but this is one of them.

Living with the Kennedys: The Joan Kennedy Story by Marcia Chellis // I'm probably the least political person (though I do identify as Libertarian), but I am a complete sucker for political books. I've got about seven lined up, but couldn't pass this one up.

Let's be friends on Goodreads!

Thursday, April 09, 2015

currently - 4/9

currently katelyn carter blog feature

|| reading
Well, I'm in the middle of a couple books right now. I'm about to add The Dead Zone to that list, too.

|| drinking
Water - from mason jars. I've gotten on a kick about always having a lid on what I'm drinking because I spill things so easily - these things work wonders.

|| watching
Harry Potter and Doctor Who...I keep them on loop. Not even kidding.

|| eating
Not much lately - I've been trying to get my calorie count up with protein shakes. Stress and anxiety is killing me.

|| listening to
Guys, I bought a Taylor Swift cd. I know. I never thought I'd buy one, ever, but Style is my jam.

|| looking forward to
The weekend! I'm taking my NRA handgun class on Saturday for my concealed weapon permit.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

the bath outlet - the glady line [a review]

I received an item from The Bath Outlet from the Glady Line in exchange for this review. All opinions are honest.

review katelyn carter the bath outlet the glady line

We've had this dilemma in our master bathroom.

What do we do with the toothpaste??

I really don't like having it hanging out on the bathroom counter and I didn't want to stow it in a drawer but it wouldn't fit in the little rescued glass container that we had our toothbrushes in. I'm one of those everything-in-its-place types.

In steps The Bath Outlet. They sent over one of their Glady line toothbrush holders. My problems are solved. We now have a toothbrush holder that fits everything we use to brush our teeth AND it matches our bathroom decor.

katelyn carter

See how nicely it blends with our out-there shower curtain? I may have to pick up a couple more pieces! The Glady line has tons of great products available in several different finishes, so there's something for everyone.

the bath outlet the glady line katelyn carter review

Definitely check out The Bath Outlet and their Glady line. If you've been looking for durable, modern bath accessories, they're for you!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

a day in the life

katelyn carter dogs the fault in our stars

Today was one of those perfect, relaxing days. I slept in, we had breakfast. I made some new items for the shop and while those were drying I started a new book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I know, I know, I'm about ten years late on that one.

I didn't worry about the dog hair on the bed, the toy fluff ripped playfully from the toys that littered the floor, nor did I worry that I really needed to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer. I just sat in bed and read and didn't worry about a damn thing. The boys took naps around my feet and we listened to the wind beat on the house. It only took me five hours to finish the book, so now I've got Harry Potter in the DVD player and I'm writing up some blog posts for this week. While I've been so lazy today, I feel really productive.

Some days that's all you need.