lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog

Monday, January 15, 2018

2018 reading challenge

I love to read. However, with my end-of-year schedule, I practically had to pencil in times to sit down and enjoy a book. With 2018 just starting, I decided that I really wanted to buckle down and knock out a reading challenge fully.

This past year was a much better year for reading than 2016, but I'd still like to read even more in the new year. There's been so many new books that have come out that I've been dying to read, but I keep getting stuck in the mindset that I need to go through the actual physical books I have cluttering my bedroom. Instead, I'm going to read the books I want to read instead of the ones I feel the obligation to read. I think that's why I've had so many lulls.

I use Goodreads to keep track of books I've read, want to read, and am currently reading. It's such an invaluable resource if you're a bookworm! You can even participate in an annual reading challenge. For 2018, I've challenged myself to read 55 books. Fingers crossed.

All Bong

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

link love

I want to try these mini portobello mushroom pizzas that Jess made!

Here's a tiny survival guide that can be printed and carried in your pocket.

This really simple recipe for garlic pizza crust looks good.

This is heart warming. Here's a great list of 25 amazing things we did for animals in 2017.

The Flora of Virginia app looks so pretty!

Aldi now has a brand new line, Earth Grown, that's suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

This is a great article over on Gen Pink about which fitness trends to embrace and which to leave behind.

unsplash-logoJonathan Knepper

Monday, January 08, 2018

pacifica // rollerball fragrance trio

My mom is an amazing deal finder and an amazing stocking stuffer. I opened this trio of Pacifica rollerball fragrances* and was ecstatic! The Indian Coconut Nectar scent is one of my favorites. Tahitian Gardenia and Sugared Amber Dreams are both going to be perfect for the office.

I especially love Pacifica because their entire line is cruelty free and vegan, so there's no label reading to be had! Pacifica is also sold at a wide variety of stores including Target, so it's easily found and has a great price point.

Definitely check them out!
