lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog: link love
Showing posts with label link love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label link love. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

link love

I love American Eagle's entire Tennessee Volunteers line*.

Show your support for wildlife folks in Texas working diligently to help save bats from White-nose Syndrome.

I'd like to try this fall brussels sprouts quinoa salad.

Here's an interesting article about banana flavoring.

Guys!! There's a vegan loaf recipe generator.

I just discovered Blackbird Cosmetics and I really want to try the Dog Days and Atlas eyeshadows.

Ahh! Cookbook Village!! What! I'm eyeing this Hot and Spicy and Meatless cookbook.

Linda Xu

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

link love

I'm going to implement some of Jess' money saving tactics.

I'd like to give Book Crossing a try.


Check out all of these original 101 Dalmatians posters.

Here are five brutal truths about dating a Taurus.

I'm still so, so proud of all the rats that are trained and in training to detect landmines and tuberculosis. You go, little guys.

I love all the mirrors in this post.

This attic apartment is absolutely gorgeous.

Pizza Hut's vegan options have me drooling.

A to Z Candles has their Halloween Collection out already! All the heart eyes.

Luisa Rusche

Sunday, August 06, 2017

link love

This is a neat little "primal astrology" page that connects your signs. I'm a kangaroo.

As a small town umpire, I love reading about MLB umpires. Check out this article about Joe West, who just called his 5,000th game.

Seven signs of dehydration and five tips to prevent it.

Here's a nifty guide to identifying clothing by union label.

What Hogwarts teaches about running a business.

NEVER put your dog on a retractable leash and ALWAYS leash them in areas that require it. If you need more convincing, read this story.

Basic as a stereotype.

I'm so ready for fall and this baked potato soup or this creamy potato and white bean soup is perfect for cozying up with a book.

I really love the Pearl the Spider collection from The Oblong Box Shop.

Nurturing creativity in solitude.

This pin showcasing rescue dogs busting out of shelters brings happy tears.

Kalegin Michail

Sunday, July 23, 2017

link love

Check out this banging mint leopard french manicure from Jacquie!

I love this tote.

I love, love, love falafel.

What is this??? Vegan mac & cheese pizza with potato chip topping. Jaw drop.

Here's a recipe for two ingredient quinoa bread!

Downsizing? Here's five dilemmas and how to deal with them.

I'd like to try my hand at making veggie egg rolls.

There's a coffee shop coming to RVA that is similar to a cat cafe...except with lizards!

This is a great post on being mindful of consumerism when you're a blogger over at From Roses.


A mom wouldn't let her son accept a perfect attendance award, and she had a great reason why.

Check out Starbucks' new certified vegan lentils and vegetable protein bowl!

Morgan Sessions

Friday, March 31, 2017

link love

lucky bandit blog katelyn carter space koi
Candle from Toadily Candles in Cantaloupe

I recently stumbled upon Flatter Me Belts and I really want to try one.

Do you like bats? I love them! Bat World in Texas has LIVE Bat Cams! Check out these furry flying mammals!

This is a pretty good article on finding clothing at thrift shops.

Vegan chickpea tuna melt? Yes, please.

Here's an interesting article about when unprocessed becomes a moot point in food. It delves into "unprocessed healthwashing", which is something everyone should learn about.

This muscle shirt is how I'm justifying not exercising.

Bob's Burgers is one of my favorite shows ever and they're releasing a soundtrack! PULLING DOWN THE PANTS OF THE NIGHT!

The bees need our help - here's an easy way to make a bee waterer!

Totally drooling over this ziti.

Here are 14 signs you have an unhealthy attachment to your dog. I don't think it's unhealthy.


Monday, October 17, 2016

link love

lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Here are five things you should never assume about someone with an eating disorder.

So, caftans may not be the "it" thing for people in their twenties, but I can totally see myself shuffling around the house in my slippers wearing this one.

This is a really great "beginner's guide" to preparing tofu - check it out over on Mo'adore!

I just started my minimizing journey in early September, so this article about why you shouldn't feel like a minimalist imposter is great.

I'm in love with this coffin makeup brush holder!!!

Seven species of bees have been added to the endangered species list

Here's a great list of 2016's Best Vegan Lifestyle blogs.

I LOVE bats, and three endangered species were just found in Turkey! Yay!

Roasted garlic cream over potatoes? I'm practically drooling.

I just found this shirt with a print about rescue dogs and I love it.

A friend of mine is a marine biologist in the Maldives, and he posts articles on Facebook like 8 plastics to quit right now and they're really helpful!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

link love

lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Stephen King weighed in on the recent clown scares in North & South Carolina.

Bats cock their heads like puppies when targeting prey!

I follow The Secret Life of Dog Catchers on Facebook, and here's a neat article about Malachi the Wolfdog.

A vegan breakfast sandwich? Yes, please.

I love these heels!

I bought these sandals on clearance at Target the other day, then I found an almost identical pair at Anthropologie for $68! Sometimes it pays (saves?) to be a Target lover.

This recipe for vegan mushroom alfredo from Gourmandelle looks delicious.

Another recipe, this one from Vegan Richa. A gluten free and vegan almond poppy seed cake.

Make sure you get your Always Sunny Beauty Gift when you sign up for a Julep Beauty Box with the code "SUMMERBEAUTY"!

Nail biting may be a sign of something other than anxiety.


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

link love

link love lucky bandit blog
(This is one of my boss' beetles...yeah, I have the coolest job.)

Go, little Fury! She's the first of her puppy kind to start being trained for a canine anti-poaching unit. She's adorable and saving the animals. (And the baby elephant gif at the bottom is too cute.)

In the reading world, I'm a huge horror genre fan (Yes, Stephen King!) and here's a list of 10 books that will haunt your dreams.

Not all anger needs management. It just needs to be recognized as constructive or destructive.

I am one of those terrible people that reads the synopsis of a movie without ever seeing it. I'm obsessed with doing it. And I just found The Movie Spoiler.

This is a really interesting article about consuming protein and age.

I have a STRONG aversion to the words "retard" and "retarded". Here's an article on why you should stop using them.

This bag in taupe is amazing.

I'd like to try this stew recipe this fall.

I'm totally gearing up for Halloween and this ring is perfect.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

link love

link love lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Here's six reasons why you think your foundation sucks.

Check out this crazy underwater river in Mexico.

The sad, sexist ballad of salad.

I work in a candy store and get asked "Do you have Kinder Eggs?" all the time. They're illegal here. The very bottom of this article gives a simple reason to why we can't carry them.

There's now a color thesaurus!

I am one of those chronically late people.

Tucker is a super chewer - I mean, Hardcore Chewer Kongs last twenty minutes in our house. But West Paw has the Tux Toy and it's lasted since April. A GOD SEND in the dog toy world.

Ladies, stop calling yourselves 'girls'. We are WOMEN, not children.

An otter tape dispenser! So cute.

23 things all binge readers can identify with.

Here are 30 must read articles if you're thinking of going minimalist.

These booties are so cute.

Fall is coming! I love a good blanket scarf.

This comic from Awkward Yeti defines me as a shopper.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

link love

link love lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

I'm a summer hater, and this article about how weather affects mood was interesting and spot on for my feelings of warm weather and sunshine.

We cracked up at this video of a guy who'd apparently been bitten by a bug.

This moose is gorgeous! I love nature photography.

Check out Omo the rare white giraffe over on the Animal Hearted blog (which is where my dog sweatshirt came from!).

This felt flower wreath is stunning.

As a diehard Yankees fan, I'd totally wear these Keds to a game.

I think I've followed this patch's advice my whole life.


Drooling over this shaved asparagus coleslaw.

You had me at white garlic jalapeno sauce in this pasta recipe from Vegan Richa.

One pot pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce. I need this nooooow.

Total heart eyes emoji over this pasta salad.


Monday, July 25, 2016

link love

link love lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Here is an exclusive first look at images of The Dark Tower movie. I am too excited about this being made.

Buzzfeed has a list of 17 genius websites for when you have nothing to do.

Get a free gift when you sign up with Julep today!

These comics about Dumbledore are hilarious.

A kebab shop owner in New Zealand simply ignored a would-be robber.

I really love this top from Free People.

I'm not a huge planner gal, but I would really love this bat clip and Tardis band.


This recipe for hot curry fries looks soooo good.

I love soup and I'm so sad it's summer because this black bean and lentil soup looks amazing.

While I don't have a huge sweet tooth, I think I could manage these chai tea cupcakes. :P

Lemon, garlic, beans, pesto? This recipe looks delicious.

I don't eat a lot of ice cream, but mango cardamom ice cream??? Yum.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

link love

link love lucky bandit blog katelyn carter

Here's a dog that swam out to sea to rescue his blind friend.

My mom sent me this little post about ways to tie a blanket scarf. Can you tell I'm pining for fall?

I'd really like to try this vegan vanilla clove lip balm from Meow Meow Tweet.

This story from retail is hilarious.

As a future dietician, this article where Americans and nutritionists disagree was pretty interesting.

I think I'd like to give this homemade ginger ale recipe a shot.

Don't feed bread to the ducks.

How adorable is this knitted snail tea cozy?

Have you tried out Mintvine? I've gotten enough for a payout in just a few weeks!

Leave your links in the comments! ♥
