I continually moan and groan about how large my To Be Read pile has gotten, but I repeatedly scope the books out every time I got to a thrift store. I've gotten better about only picking up books I really want or I've been looking for, though. I snagged these two books for $1.49 each!
A couple years ago I gave my mom a copy of The China Study* and I've been wanting to read it ever since. Now I can! And of course, as a Yankees and memoir fan, I had to pick up Bat Boy*.
These haven't been started yet as I'm still working my way through Haunted* (that's a slow go) and I started Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, too.
I linked all of these to Amazon, but if you don't mind secondhand books and want a discount, check them out on Thriftbooks* and get 15% off!
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