I have a problem. I can't stop thrifting books. My TBR pile is overflowing, I have books stashed everywhere, and still I buy cheap books.
Anywho, here's what I picked up in my latest thrift store visit. Let's start with the bad: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. Sigh. I know. I bought it because it had such a cult following, and even though reviews are terrible, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. Prey by Michael Crichton is one I've been meaning to read after reading Jurassic Park. I've become quite the little Crichton fan, but I'm still slowly working my way through The Lost World, so I'm not sure when I'll start this. Laughter in the Dark by Nabokov was one I hemmed and hawed over in the aisle. I'm still not sure about it.
Ghost Story by Peter Straub comes highly recommended by Stephen King. We all know I'm a massive Stephen King fan, so I immediately snatched this one off the shelf. He could probably recommend reading boot tracks in dirt and I'd do it.
What am I currently reading? The Lost World by Michael Crichton, which is dragging on and on, The Stand by Stephen King, and The Passage by Justin Cronin. I've not had much time to sit and read, but I get a few pages done here and there.
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